Abstract(s) presentations have to be in English language.
Structure: Introduction – Materials /Patients and methods – Results – Conclusion
No more than 500 words.
Only original work will be accepted.
The Approval Committee will evaluate anonymously the submitted abstracts.
Oral abstract presentations
Oral presentation timing : 10mn + 5mn discussion
Selected presentations will be announced on the event scientific program.
Posters presentations
Presentation format: 84 cm width x 110 cm height (A0) Characters stick preference (Arial, Helvetica ...)
Authors will display their work during coffee breaks. Thank you to stand near your poster during breaks.
Main dates
• Submission deadline : June 15th, 2025
• Confirmation of the abstracts selection : July 8th 2025
Presentation modifications
Once your abstract is submitted you can't make any modifications.
Agreement / Disclaimer
All abstracts submitted by the Short Talk Abstract Deadline will be reviewed by the meeting organizers, and some abstract presenters will be invited to give a short presentation on the program.
Abstracts not chosen for a short talk, and those submitted after this deadline won't be accepted.
Please contact l.ageon@comnco.com or l.passedat@comnco.com for any questions.