Call for abstracts

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You are welcome to submit an abstract to present your experience and share your expertise. Click the "Submit an abstract" button below.

To access your account and follow the validation of your abstract(s) or video(s), log in by entering your email and password in the fields below.

Pick the format that is the more appropriate amongst our options (oral communication, video or e.poster) and follow the guidelines given to share your work with our international community.

You can submit a work on the following categories:

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Endometriosis/Endometrium

  • Fibroids/Adenomyosis

  • Minimally invasive surgery

  • Other

  • Pain

If you are currently in-training, please think about submitting an abstract and apply for the Young Investigation Awards.
The jury will select the Best presentation, Best video, Best poster from our promising scientific young generation. 

For information, here are the evaluation criteria :
• Discussion and general presentation of the study
• Originality and relevance
• Results
• Scientific methodology

Registration fees
All the authors of the call for abstracts who want to participate in the Congress have to pay the registration fees.

Abstract modification
Once you submitted your abstract, no modification is possible. Please contact if needed.

Agreement / Disclaimer
By submitting your abstract, you certify that the summary is an original contribution that has not been presented or published elsewhere and giving permission to the Society of Enndometriosis and Uterine Disorders to publish on the society website and in any printed materials at the congress. In addition, if your abstract is accepted to be presented, you must be present at the congress in order to present your communication. The organizing committee reserve the right to reject any abstract, at their sole discretion.


The 3 best awards (best e.poster, best free communication and best video) and the 3 best Young Investigators abstracts will be rewarded on Saturday, April 26th by the Congress Presidents and by Dr Francisco Carmona, SEUD President.


You certify that the summary is an original contribution that has not been presented or published elsewhere.


Abstracts have to be included original works (clinical cases and literature review will be not accepted).
No more than 500 words. Do not include figures, tables and references.
Structure: Introduction – Materials/Patients and methods – Results – Conclusion

Abstracts have to be in English.

Revise Papers

Be careful of your presentation form (Uppercase, lowercase) and symbols (alphanumeric alphabet)

E.Posters presentations
Presentation format : HD pdf, A4 portrait format only.

Oral presentations
The free communication selected will be available on the congress website post event. Please use the 4/3 format.
Please put your PPT presentation on a USB stick and leave it to the preview room as soon as you come to the congress.

Video Abstracts
The video file size cannot exceed 80 MB and with a duration of 6 minutes.
Videos could be submitted in the following formats: .mpeg, .mov, .mpg, .mp4, .wmv. Productions MUST play in one of the following video players: Windows Media Player®, RealPlayer® or QuickTime Player®.
You can submit a video as an abstract (abstract 500 words max.).
The best video will be presented in the plenary session.

Important dates
Submission deadline : January 12th 2025 (GMT time) !
Confirmation of the abstracts selection : Early February 2025
The selected oral communications, videos and e-poster will be presented by the authors during the congress in dedicated sessions. You'll get more information soon.

If you need any further assistance, you can contact :

Kind regards


Submissions are closed