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CategorySelect a categoryFibroids/AdenomyosisEndometriosis/EndometriumMinimally invasive surgeryAbnormal uterine bleedingPainOther
Additional category I want to participate in the "Young investigator contest" and I certify to be in training. If you are selected, a proof of training will be requested on site.
Preferred typeSelect a type of presentationCommunication orale / Oral communicationPosterVideo
Title of your submission
SummaryObserve the following plan: Introduction and Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion / Conclusion
KeywordsKeywords must be separated by coma, 5 maximum
I accept my submission(s) to be used on the congress communication tools by the organizing committee
The communications can be diffused on all the media of the event.
I don't accept my submission(s) to be used on the congress communication tools by the organizing committee